Institute of Advanced Studies of Bologna
The Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna was established in 1088. It is considered to be the oldest university in the Western world and a keystone and a point of reference for European culture.
The Institute of Advanced Studies (ISA) was founded in 2001 in order to promote interdisciplinary exchanges of ideas and knowledge at an international level. ISA gives researchers and professors of the Alma Mater Studiorum the opportunity to invite international scholars to Bologna in order to foster activities in education and research. ISA can host up to 40 Senior Fellows, 15 PhD students every year and a number of postdoctoral fellows. Over the near 18 years of activity the Institute has organized the visit of more than 300 Visiting Fellows coming from Universities from over 50 foreign countries and belonging to different disciplinary areas, from humanities to sciences and has organized more than 400 cultural events open to the general public. ISA is a branch of the Institute for Higher Studies, it is led by a Board of professors from the University of Bologna and by a Scientiļ¬c Director, who is appointed by the Rector.
The Director of the Institute is Professor Dario Braga (Dept. of Chemistry of the University of Bologna).
ISA aims to:
- promote an interdisciplinary approach to research and education;
- offer a site of multicultural meeting and dialogue for Italian and international scholars;
- encourage international mobility among professors, PhD students and young researchers;
- give the opportunity to groups of scholars from different disciplines to develop research programmes of innovative content, social impact and international relevance.
- involve international scholars in the educational activities of the University of Bologna through lectures, focus groups and workshops;
- connect society and the academia by promoting the dissemination of scientific research results and products in accordance with the core values of the University of Bologna.
ISA offers the following Fellowship Programmes
Visiting Professors
Visiting fellowships from one to three months for well-established international scholars who work in research projects in collaboration with a Department or a Research Center at the University of Bologna. Visiting Professors deliver lectures open to the whole University.
Lodging fellowships are offered on a competitive basis to international students enrolled in a PhD programme at the University of Bologna.
ISA international profile
Since 2004 the Institute has been an active member of important international networks, such as the Network of European Institutes for Advanced Study (NetIAS) and the Network of University-Based Institutes for Advanced Study (UBIAS).
Awards and honors
Awards and honors (ISA Medal for Science – Institute Honorary Fellowship) are conferred to experts, scholars and research groups characterized by scientific excellence, for their research activities of outstanding scientific value in the field of science and technology as well as of human and social science.
Premises and facilities
The ISA offices are located in the beautiful Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala 26 Bologna, in the historical center of the city and near the Rectorate. Visiting Fellows can access all libraries and laboratories of the University of Bologna. Moreover, they have exclusive access to a Fellows Room suitable for studying and reading. Access to University wireless Internet, and multifunction printer and several computers are available.
Bologna is rich of museums, galleries and libraries where the Institute guests can find important information for their research. All information regarding available facilities are provided to Fellows at the Institute.
Visiting Fellows are accommodated in studio-apartments suitable for two people located in via De Rolandis 3, in the historical centre of Bologna, close to the Palazzo Marchesini in Via Marsala 26 and to the Rectorate.