Madrid Institute for Advanced Study
The Madrid Institute for Advanced Study (MIAS) is a joint research center created in 2016 by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Casa de Velázquez, as part of the development of the Universidad Autónoma UAM-CSIC International Campus of Excellence. It is the first Institute of Advanced Studies in the Iberian Peninsula, as well as in the Hispano-American area.
Its main purpose, through a policy of inviting high-level researchers, is to strengthen and internationalize the fields of Human and Social Sciences, with a transversal perspective from the Iberian world.
The originality of the MIAS therefore lies in the fact that it emerges from two research centers belonging to two different European Union countries, France and Spain.
Objectives of the MIAS
- To create an international and transdisciplinary community for research and study. The MIAS develops a clear strategy directed towards Europe and Latin America.
- To encourage the organization of activities and seminars that strengthen the relationships between researchers at the Centre, from the UAM+CSIC International Campus of Excellence scientific community, and from other institutions affiliated by a MIAS convention.
- To promote mobility amongst prestigious researchers, and to enhance the extension of networks that can be used as platforms to submit international research projects.
- To increase the international visibility of research in Humanities and Social and Legal Sciences.

About 25 fellows from all over the world and across disciplines are hosted by MIAS for a different period of time, between three months and three years. A monitoring committee provides scientific follow-up for all the MIAS residents and facilitates cross-disciplinary exchanges among all the residents by means of periodic meetings, in direct contact with the scientific communities at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and at Casa de Velázquez. To encourage the exchanges and connections between its fellows, the Institute holds meetings and shared lunches at Casa de Velázquez or at the UAM campus approximately once a week.
The MIAS also offers its residents the possibility to organize an international seminar during their stay, in the dedicated spaces of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid or alternatively in Casa de Velázquez, on a subject relevant to their research project. These seminars are held every second Monday and permit the fellows to know more about their colleagues’ work, and to enhance synergies between them. In the organization of these seminars, the MIAS fellows receive scientific support and advice from the members of the MIAS Executive Committee.
International profile
The RISE project (“FAILURE: Reversing the Genealogies of Unsuccess, 16th-19th centuries”, H2020-Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions programme financed by the European Commission - Grant agreement No 823998) coordinated by the MIAS, offers a space for multidisciplinary dialogue in the Hispanic sphere on the processes of attribution, negotiation and reversibility of the label of failure in personal, group and state spheres, through the organization of international seminars.
The facilities
At the UAM Cantoblanco campus the MIAS fellows have full user access to a library containing more than 970,000 books, 27,600 maps, 12,000 paper journal titles, 134,500 e-books, 90,000 subscriptions to electronic journals, and around 200 data bases.
At Casa de Velázquez, the fellows have their own research spaces, and can benefit from a library specializing in Humanities and Social Sciences with 120,000 books and 1,000 current journals, as well as a French and Spanish inter-university loan service.

Programs and calls
The annual open call for Applications values the presentation of proposals that improve the international dynamism of the campus of international excellence of the UAM + CSIC, as well as the research guidelines of the Casa de Velázquez. There are long and short stays:
- - François Chevalier 3 to 4 months
- - Lucienne Domergue 6 months
- - Marcel Bataillon 10 months
- - Tomás y Valiente 3 years renewable 2 more years
- - Colegio de México 4 or 12 months