The European NetIAS Lecture Series - Summer term: Borders
The European Network of Institute for Advanced Studies (NetIAS) announces the launch of its new European lecture series – The European NetIAS Lectures: ‘Borders’ defines the overarching theme for the series in summer 2020.
In order to respond proactively to the current situation and to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic and in order to showcase the quality and diversity of the research conducted in its member institutes, the Network opens its doors to all interested in the research conducted at our Institutes and interested in timely discussions. The 25 Institutes from 17 European countries participating in the Network operate on the basis of a Europe-wide geographical distribution on common principles of freedom of research and knowledge sharing.
Starting from June 4 2020, NetIAS will initiate a series of joint weekly online seminars and lectures called The European NetIAS Lectures delivered by renowned scholar. Participation is open to students, researchers, and anyone interested in the latest international research and new thinking on borders. Borders understood real and symbolic, political and social, thereby embracing a broad variety of perspectives and approaches.
Under the auspices of the Network of European Institutes of Advanced Studies, the first series of European talks is organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of Bologna.
Starting with the online lecture from ISA UniBo on June 4 2020 at 4pm, online lectures from the IAS of Paris, Helsinki, Aarhus, Delmenhorst, Budapest and Konstanz will fill in the weekly summer programme until July 16.
Lectures will be open to all interested participants, will be held online and can be accessed via open link:
European Netias lecture on ZOOM.
For further information, please visit the web-site of the Institute for Advanced Studies of the University of Bologna and IAS CEU.
Programme - Thursdays at 4 pm
JUNE 2020
4/6 ILARIA PORCIANI, Professor of Contemporary History, Department of History and Cultures, University of Bologna, Fellow at the ISA, Bologna, Italy
When Food builds Borders
11/6 JONATHAN GLASSER, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, William and Mary University, Fellow at the Paris Institute for Advanced Study, Paris, France
What is a Boundary Good For ? A Reconsideration through the Muslim-Jewish Musical Question in Algeria
18/6 MOLLY ANDREWS, Professor of Political Psychology, Department of Social Sciences, and Co-director of the Centre for Narrative Research, University of East London; Jane and Aatos Erkko Professor (2019–20), Fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Helsinki, Finland
The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Failure of Narrative Imagination
25/6 LISA M. WU, Fellow at the Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark
Opening the Borders of Symptom Management: Investigating Circadian Rhythms and Light Exposure in Cancer Patients
Connect to European Netias lecture on ZOOM
Lectures start at 4 pm sharp and will end at 5 pm
JULY 2020
2/7 ANDREAS TESKE, Professor of Marine Microbiology, Department of Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Fellow at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Delmenhorst, Germany
International Marine Expeditions Crossing Borders: Notes from the Gulf of California
9/7 LASZLO MUNTEAN, Assistant Professor of Cultural Studies and American Studies at Radbout University, Nijmegen, Fellow at the IAS CEU, Budapest, Hungary
Transgressive Materialities: The Afterlife of the World Trade Center
16/7 THOMAS BÖTTCHER, Research Group Leader, Department of Chemistry, University of Konstanz, Research Fellow at the Zukunftskolleg, Konstanz, Germany
Crossing the Borders of Chemistry and Biology for targeting the Corona Virus Proteases
Connect to European Netias lecture on ZOOM
Lectures start at 4 pm sharp and will end at 5 pm