5 Steps Application Procedure
Step 1: Information
Applications should be sent before January 15th in order to be discussed at the following Netias business meeting in April.
Step 2: Pre-screening
The Netias Secretariate and President pre-screen applications before February 15th in order to ensure they fulfil Netias eligibility criteria and assess if additional documents are needed.
Step 3: Visit
Based on a positive pre-assessment by Netias Secretariat and President, one Netias member will be asked to visit the applying institute and to report to the Netias Secretariate and President. The applying institute will pay for the visit costs.
Step 4: Invitation
Based on a positive assessment report by the Netias member, a representative of the applying Institute will be invited to present by videoconference its application to the Netias assembly in April.
Step 5: Assessment
Two Netias members will lead the discussion and a simple majority vote will be held on membership. The outcome of the vote can be either accepted, rejected or decision postponed (pending further information).
Information Requested from Applying IAS
A detailed note will have to be transmitted to the Netias Secretariate and President before January 15th with the following information.
1. Administration
- Legal status and overall institutional background information (history, connection to local/national research entities, etc.)
- Direction (leadership, board of trustees, scientific advisory board, staff composition)
- Conditions offered to fellows (monthly stipend, accommodation, related services)
- Facilities (location, description)
- Budget (distinguish fellowships, staff, other direct costs, other indirect costs)
- Breakdown of financial resources (name the most important partners)
2. Scientific Policy
- Description of the IAS scientific ambition and priorities.
- Description of fellows’ interaction to spur collegiality and interdisciplinarity.
- Key facts and numbers:
- Number of applications received per year
- Number of invited fellows
- Geographic origins (in %)
- International vs. national fellows. Permanent fellows? Fellows from your home institution?
- Junior (up to 10 years after Ph.D) vs. Senior fellows
- Individual fellowships vs. groups invitations
3. Scientific Selection
- Description of call for applications (open calls? flagged fellowships? geographic priorities? etc.)
- Description of the selection process (criteria, evaluation, final decision).
4. NetIAS Critieria – Statement from Applicant
- Description/documentation that the applying IAS meets each of the membership criteria (as stated on the Netias webpage “Criteria for Membership of Netias”)
- Motivation from the applicant; explanation of why the institute is applying for NetIAS membership
Criteria for Membership
- Commitment to recruiting fellows on individual excellence
The selection procedures follow international academic standards (i.e. open call for applications, independent peer review, international and multidisciplinary scientific selection Committees).
- Building international and multidisciplinary learning communities
IAS promote free and independent research in all fields of science and thought. Institutes may put special focus on specific disciplines or missions/themes. They provide conditions and facilities to foster interdisciplinary and diverse scientific dialogue.
- Size
A minimum of 120 researcher/months per year is necessary to create the IAS learning community. The majority of fellowships should exceed five months.
- Scientific independence
IAS do have the autonomy to pursue its scientific ambition, the control over the invitation of fellows and the possibility to organise the interaction between the fellows during the academic year. It is expected, that IAS live up to the principles of Open Science and Independent Research, free of intervention by external bodies. It is recognized in the statutes of the IAS.
- Financial sustainability
IAS should benefit from long-term financial support from its main institutional and scientific partners that is translated into adequate long-term financial viability.