Commitment to recruiting fellows on individual excellence
The selection procedures follow international standards (open call for applications, independent peer review, international and multidisciplinary scientific selection Committee).
Building international and multidisciplinary learning communities
IAS promote blue-sky research even though they might have temporary or permanent scientific priorities. They are open to all sciences; they may have a special attention to humanities and social sciences. They provide conditions and facilities to foster interdisciplinary dialogue.
A minimum of 120 researcher/months per year is necessary to create the IAS learning community. IAS tend to offer 1 year-fellowships or 5 month-fellowships.
Scientific independence
IAS do have the autonomy to pursue its scientific ambition, the control over the invitation of fellows and the possibility to organise the interaction between the fellows during the academic year. It is recognised in the statutes of the IAS.
Financial sustainability
IAS benefit from a long-term financial support from its main institutional and scientific partners that is translated into adequate pluriannual financial support.